Comfort food is needed. (Partly because we will only have a handful of 'Lost' episodes after tonight, but mostly because I'm tired, cold, and was rained-on all day.)
Tasty falafel sounds like the thing to do the trick tonight, but you know, it's dang hard to make falafel without chickpeas....
There is ham crackling in the skillet for the omnivore in the household. Quite honestly, when I've hit a low, all I want to do is forgo my veggie ways and eat bacon until I pass out.
I am fairly easy to please as far as fatty, unhealthy foods go, but my favorites always involve potatoes and ridiculous amounts of salt (hence the french fries hovering above).
So: your favorite comfort foods? (Or drinks. Whatever you like.)
Fries are good. I like sushi too. Is that a weird combo? :/ Hmm...
No, Becca - I think I could eat that too! Comfort food is subject to each individuals opinion & craving. Salty/sweet, chocolate/salty, bread/dairy.......I think this is why big diners are so popular b/c they serve essentially every type of food 24hrs a day, satisfying whatever craving we may have, i.e.- an omelette followed up w/ a big slice of pie.
Great....NOW I'm hungry!!!!
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