Thursday, April 2, 2009

Goodbye, March '09.....

Well. It's been quite a month. The story so far....
I decided to aux. pioneer for the first time in March. But I was derailed two weeks in by suddenly needing oral surgery. (I feel the need to complain now....: both wisdom teeth were cut out, with no epinephrine so it took longer to heal, and I looked like a chipmunk for days.)

After that nightmare, I managed to get back out in service (and try to get my time in), and then my grandmother was admitted to the hospital twice in one week. It was hard to tell how she would do, since there were good days and bad days, but she was pretty bad by the time I got here on Tuesday. She died last night, and thankfully it was expected by then and a lot of family and friends were able to be there. I spent all day in the hospital with family, waiting, and calling people to tell them what was going on.

Let's just say... not the best week of my life so far.

So now there are funeral arrangements, the family divvying up Nan's jewelry, keeping Pa company, trying to find photos for the viewing.

I'm so tired now in so many different ways. Wired and sleepy and hungry, at once.
I'm going home tonight, to sleep in my own bed. That'll help, anyway.

Hope you all are well, and that you had a better month. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

"Refill my prescription/To whatever that thing is"

An update on my life this week.

1) Auxilary pioneering for the first time this month. I'm excited!

2) Office schedule is insane. Also, there's a deaf woman coming in soon, and I'm hoping I know enough business related ASL to help. So that's exciting.

3) Oh, Gord. 3. Number 3 would mean me having to mention my impacted wisdom tooth, the liquid diet, the antibiotics, pioneering while in pain, the oral surgeon, and all these wonderful things.
So I will skip number 3.
Sort of.

I will be thankful for the things I have already, like... the side of my face that doesn't hurt.
That's all for now, people. Back to work for me.

(Also, I just spent 10 minutes trying to find a song lyric involving teeth, for the title, but I couldn't. Bah.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

'Learn to lose/It's easier that way'

For the last ten years, there's been a large place in my brain occupied by the band Barenaked Ladies. I bought one of their CDs when I was 11. I liked their humor; they were accessible; they were nice guys.

It wasn't very long before I really noticed the tension in their music. There was an undertone of despair in every song, barely hidden by quirky word choices and interesting musical arrangements.

Never mind the humor; the songs written by Steven Page really told the truth of the world through his eyes, through all our worst bouts of depression and misery.
One of their first songs, 'Brian Wilson,' is the narrator deciding that he's ended up like the damaged pop star (So I'm lying here, just staring at the ceiling tiles/and I'm thinking about what to think about/Just listening and relistening to Smiley Smile/and I'm wondering if this is some kind of creative drought).

'Wrap Your Arms Around Me' is seemingly a tale of domestic abuse (Do you believe that we are all innately good/Do you think that you would love me until tomorrow if you could).

'Everything Old is New Again' is a pros-cons argument of simply living (Learn to lose, it's easier that way/We've paid our dues, but we can't make life pay/All across the world, people going mad/In their mother's cars, the kids are feeling sad).

There are songs about cowards and egomaniacs, the ones holding onto the edge and wondering when to let go.
I grew up with the people in the songs, and the people writing them. There was familiarity in Steve Page's voice, and something I soon recognized in myself.
I found out today that after a rough year (can you say 'mid-life crisis'?), Steven Page is quitting the band to pursue other goals.
I wish him the best, and hope he gets back on his feet. I'm worried about the band's new directions; I hope they don't try to replace the missing element, and that they will simply work on their own terms.

But it's been a good 20 years of music. A good ten years for me, while I grew up with them. I can't pretend that they didn't shape my outlook on the world. Especially Steve Page.

Barenaked Ladies - Brian Wilson

Monday, February 16, 2009

Think warm... think warm....

I'm becoming a nasty, irritable, often-mean person, and I think I've discovered the cause.
This office is freezing.
It must be frying the 'nice' brain cells, because all I can do now is gripe and whine. The air conditioning was on last Friday. Let me state that again.
THE AC WAS ON while it was 32 degrees outside.
I can adjust the heat, yes, but it doesn't matter; the lobby is situated in the exact wrong place to receive any heat, while the people who don't want hot air get too much.
I'm going to start wearing my winter parka here at my desk, and see if anything changes.
On a lighter note, something that makes me happy and forget all about the sub-zero temps: a music video that reinforces two things:
Yeah, I do kind of love the 80s.... and I have a weakness for skinny guys with insane hair.

Also: I'm starting to think this is a wheat allergy, not a soy allergy. I'd like someone to just give me a list of what I can and can not eat. That would be great.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Saving my appetite 'cause I'm waiting for the dinner bell to do the bell thing"

Day... um... 4 of my soy-free life. I've gone off of all soy products to test whether or not I have an allergy. So far, I've still been having some symptoms, but my skin seems to be recovering. Perhaps I have been having a soy allergy after all, and perhaps it's clearing up....

The worst part (besides no Silk... and no miso... and no Kashi cereal... and no....) is shopping. I was standing in the grocery store's vegetarian/organic section, staring at the shelves in dismay, as imaginary red stickers labeled "NO!" were stamped on everything. Gahh. Grocery shopping nightmare.

I bought some Rice Dream (I will try to love it), but couldn't find any rice "yogurt." (A specialty product, methinks.) I finally found a vegan, soy-free veggie burger, but the fat content has scared me out of using it so far. At least I've gone back to eating fish, so I have another option for protein.

Anyone have any suggestions? I've been reading up on soy-free vegan blogs and such, but I need more help with finding food to take with me to work, out in service, etc.

So, since you've lasted through that rant, here's a music video. You've earned it. (I'm trying to ignore the fact that it takes place in a grocery store. Just the sight of shelves makes me go barmy anymore....)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nostalgia 2.0

I am horribly nostalgic in a totally different way. While other people open old scrapbooks to induce nostalgia attacks, I just go to YouTube and watch old episodes of The Screen Savers.

Ahhh. Reminds me of being 13, eating Ramen and HotPockets, and wishing I had this new gadget called an iPod. (Those things look so cool!!)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

National Oatmeal Month, and other concerns....

Yes, folks, it's that time of year again: National Oatmeal Month.
Most likely moved by an unseen psychic network which keeps people up to date on silly celebrations, I bought a bag of steel cut-oats, which we've now been eating for three days in a row. Wonderfully crunchy and yummy, plus available in whole-grain. I do recommend them. (And besides, if you don't buy them because I said so, the psychic network will make you do so, anyway.)

You know, the list of things I can eat is slowly being whittled down to nothing. Some new banned foods are: large amounts of soy products, any sort of mildly milky chocolate, peanut butter, anything made with peanut butter, and anything containing white flour. Also sugar.

So I'm a householder tonight in the front school. I've moved past the "vomiting-every-five-minutes-and-passing-out-every-ten" stage, and I'm on to the "fear is useless, I'm just gonna have fun and hope I don't suddenly develop Tourette's during the talk" stage. It'll be fun. I just have to keep in mind the fact that I could probably ruin someone's well-written talk with a simple slip of the tongue.
No pressure.
No pressure at all.
Excuse me, I have to go throw up now....

Also, it has come to my attention that I need this travel mug. (Of course, that also means that I need $15 first....)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

News flash, etc.

Hello people! Allons-y!

First off, this is pretty bad news for me. The only time I'm not stressed out is when I'm sleeping. Then again, I'm probably going to be a crazy old lady anyway, and no one will notice.

Also, if they don't come out with this for Mac, I think I'll just lie down and give up. I've been playing the Sims for 8 years now, and this game gives me the feeling of, 'Oh, look at little Timmy, off to school by himself!' (Note: I have no life.)

So they've been calling for nasty weather since the first of January. Then the first weekend they said it would be nice, we get two inches of snow. This is obviously a meteorologist's way of jumping out of nowhere and yelling, "SURPRISE!"
Did I mention that I hate surprises? Especially when they involve a -10 degree windchill and snowy roads.

Fact: the little Chinese-Japanese deli spot at the supermarket has better Chinese food than some of our local restaurants. The world is very strange.

Since you guys liked Florence Foster Jenkins so much, here's some more stuff! Wahoo! Here's the Wikipedia entry about her (the taxi-cab crash bit is awesome), and here's another video.
This is one of my favorites.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

'Ode to Divorce'

Fact: this song is the top played song in my iTunes library (50 times).

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I can't help it...

I have to post this. I tried not to, but it's great; you couldn't make this stuff up.
My favorites are under 'Education' and 'Out of Left Field.'

And I'm glad other people realize the importance of music on vinyl. Downloads are easy; CDs are easy to store. But there is nothing quite like opening up a real, proper album, or a single. For some reason, it's just better to hear 'Complete Control' roaring out of a record player, sounding just like it did in 1976.
Ahh. Fake nostalgia. :-D

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The true definition of 'old school'

Big Ideas (don't get any) from James Houston on Vimeo.
(The song doesn't really start until a while into the video.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

End of the year survey

A bit late, I know, but thought it would be fun. Please, steal it and fill out your own answers!

What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?

Um… nothing, actually.

Did anyone close to you give birth?


Did anyone close to you die?


What countries did you visit?


What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?

On a completely shallow level: a new iPod would be great.

What date(s) from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

Oct. 25th, when I was baptized. :)

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

See above. :-P

What was your biggest failure?

Not passing my written driving test, though I’ve done it three times before.

Did you suffer illness or injury?


What was the best thing you bought?

Um… oooh… well… maybe… probably the CDs and the books I’ve bought.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine, are you kidding?! :-P

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Someone in my family.

Where did most of your money go?

Books. Just off the tip of my head, there was: a Bradbury book, a Kafka biography, Crime and Punishment, Suite Francaise, Right Ho, Jeeves!, Atonement, The English Patient, The Crocodile on the Sandbank... and a few more, probably.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Let’s see… housesitting, NaNoWriMo, a new Coldplay CD, Doctor Who, BSG, Lost, (these are mostly TV shows. Let no one say my life is small) and ‘The Dark Knight’ (oh, lookit that, a movie! I’m not shallow after all! Ha. Ha.)

What song will always remind you of 2008?

‘Viva La Vida,’ by Coldplay. It’s really tied into the spring/summer for me.

Compared to this time last year (2007), are you:
More put together. (Again, I repeat: ha. Ha.)

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Studying and reading.

What do you wish you'd done less of?


What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2008?
Look, I try to forget these things, okay? Next question!

What was your favorite TV program?
Doctor Who, Pushing Daisies, BSG, and Lost

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?

In the spring, it was more mod; in the summertime, it was a little hippie (I blamed the new blond highlights); fall and winter, classic and a bit mod. I'm trying to wear more colors, less black and white.

What kept you sane?
Jehovah. (And happy pills. Muahahahahaa.)

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. I think I’ve probably just learned to forgive a bit better.

What was the best book you read in 2008?

‘The Inimitable Jeeves,’ by P.G. Wodehouse. I remember lying horizontally across my bed, the library book in one flailing hand, crying my eyes out from laughing so hard, and thinking, ‘This is the best book I’ll read in 2008.’ I guess I was right. :-P

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Radiohead. I always stayed away from them because I thought they were strictly ‘techno,’ and yeah, a lot if it is electronic… but so much emotion bleeds through the synthesizers.

What did you want and get?
A Nintendo Wii.

What did you want and not get?
A driver’s license... and a new iPod. *grumbles*

What was your favorite film of this year?
Wow. Well, probably... The Dark Knight, closely followed by Iron Man.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I sat around and watched the clock. Now we are 20. Yay! :)

What three things would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I can’t think of anything, actually. Better will power so I can stop eating so much junk food.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Um… well… that guy… what’s his name… *cough* David Tennant *cough*. Yeah, that guy. :D

Who did you miss?
Natalia, and Grace.

What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008?

Maple syrup and corn syrup are often interchangeable.

What quote can be used to sum up your year?
‘Sometimes you just have to unleash the rhino.’

Casablanca, remixed

I love how eventually 'Sam' just sounds like he's dying. LOL.

Monday, January 5, 2009

In the news today....

So, this is a bit worrisome. Not so much for the fact that it's untrue, but for the fact that people will actually believe that sticking a pad to your foot will suck out all the heavy metals overnight. Yeah, right.

Also, this could be worse. Actually, the more I think about it, the more excited I get. His young age concerns me, but I'm ready to give him a chance.

You guys have probably already seen this warning, but be careful anyway. Facebook is having issues, too, I hear.

In other news.... hooray for 'Hamlet.' I wish I could've seen it. I mean, it's not only David Tennant, but Patrick Stewart, also. Oh, well. Maybe they'll make a film. :P