Monday, March 2, 2009

"Refill my prescription/To whatever that thing is"

An update on my life this week.

1) Auxilary pioneering for the first time this month. I'm excited!

2) Office schedule is insane. Also, there's a deaf woman coming in soon, and I'm hoping I know enough business related ASL to help. So that's exciting.

3) Oh, Gord. 3. Number 3 would mean me having to mention my impacted wisdom tooth, the liquid diet, the antibiotics, pioneering while in pain, the oral surgeon, and all these wonderful things.
So I will skip number 3.
Sort of.

I will be thankful for the things I have already, like... the side of my face that doesn't hurt.
That's all for now, people. Back to work for me.

(Also, I just spent 10 minutes trying to find a song lyric involving teeth, for the title, but I couldn't. Bah.)


editor said...

Hey! I'm auxiliary pioneering this month too! Let me know how it goes. And I hope you will be anesthetized... *_*

Amber said...

Are you getting the tooth taken out? I hope you feel better soon so pioneering is fun. Yay for you & Natalia!

So, what does a liquid diet FOR YOU consist of? Broth or milkshake inspired?

Sabrina said...

Phew! Antibiotics have kicked in, plus the painkillers (which I'm sure are eating away at my stomach lining...).
My liquid diet consists of soy yogurt, orange juice, and applesauce. Oatmeal is good, too.
Thankfully I can finally chew again. Hurray!!!