Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Notes From the End of the Year

Hello all. Since it's the last day of 2008, I thought I'd just throw out a few observations/thoughts/rants about the past year.

1) It's been a pretty good year for me in many ways. I got baptized, and I just turned 20. Hooray!

2) TV was good this year. I wasn't horribly disappointed by any of my favorite shows... even if Doctor Who staged a bit of a dues ex machina at the finale. (But hey, what's new about that?)

3) The economy is going down. Things look bad for the system. Again, I repeat: hooray!

4) Heath Ledger died. That's the first time I was bothered by something like that. I don't know why, it just felt... weird. You don't expect that sort of thing to happen to a young person. Makes your own (young) existence feel even more fragile by comparison.

5) This was a great year for music. And I can't think of the summertime without hearing songs from 'Viva la Vida' It's like some weird, psychological connection.

6) A nice summertime at home, spent with a good book, good food, good people, and a lot of naps. I didn't even know I liked naps until this year.

7) I went (mostly) vegan, and I've stuck to it pretty well. And, tomorrow: 2 years of being a vegetarian! Maybe I'll make some vegan cupcakes to celebrate. :)

8) I've learned some songs on the piano, which, despite my lack of rhythm and inability to read sheet music, makes me feel just a little bit cooler.

9) I have nearly finished 'Crime and Punishment.' (Nearly finishing it is an accomplishment in itself, believe me. I started reading it in August.)

10) I now have this and this. My Geekness is complete.

Hopefully, 2009 will be just as good as 2008, and include: a job with benefits, pioneering of some sort, making more artwork, a driver's license, and lots more cookies.

So. Your thoughts on the past year?


editor said...

Pretty cool! I felt pretty useless in 2008, but after a second thought, I did a lot of good things. This year I finished the first year of school, I read a ton of books I normally wouldn't have read, I went on an amazing trip, made artistic expression at my parents house and visited a lot of old friends and made some new ones! I'd say it was good, even if it was long. What year is it now?

Sabrina said...

You did awesome, you did. :D

Amber said...

Like I said in Joellyn's post, a personal goal of mine is to appreciate all that I've had & look forward to what's ahead.
No regrets, just always trying to learn.

Amber said...

Oh, and re: your "this" & "this" purchases, I am proud you embrace your geekiness!

Sabrina said...

Thanks! It's good for me to at least recognize when I'm being a geek. :D