Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello, world

I'm having a weird day. Slept in a bit, not enough to actually be late for work but enough to be late for service. I had cake for lunch (which was not my fault), and now I'm at the office, which has been completely rearranged. I feel a bit like I'm in one of those funhouse things where the floor turns. Everything is different, and it's quite a strain on my poor old self to have to turn around and grab the phone with my left hand.

So unfair, I tell you. Life is hard.

In other news: I must finish my novel by tomorrow evening. It's long and novel-worthy, but it doesn't actually have an ending yet. This is the first time I've ever written a novel where I reached the word count before I had an ending. It's... weird. I'm not one for endings; I've written an absurd amount of unfinished stories/poems/songs, etc. And when I do manage to finish something, it breaks my heart, like I've just killed it or something. Weird.
Although I'm glad it's nearly over, since I'm just coming apart with ideas for more things.

I'm having a hard time typing right now, since my nerves are shot from playing this game.
Painful for someone who can type quickly without looking at the keyboard, yet types with four fingers instead of the correct ten.

I went to see 'Australia' on Thursday. Great fun, but very long. I expected it to be over at five different instances. (It reminded me of the style of movies from the 1940s, though, so that was cool.)

I spent a wonderful, geek-tastic, fangirly evening last night with Rebecca, watching about 5 hrs of Doctor Who in a row, from this episode (which was scary) to this episode (which was silly). I feel worn out now, strangely. It was awesome, nonetheless.
No, no: fantastic. ;-)

Now I must work. Someone has inadvertently created more work for me to do. Bah.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

NaNo winner

See this?

Take that, world. I rock. ;-)
Now... must... sleep.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some cool geek news

Joellyn mentioned Star Trek: TNG on her blog, and it reminded me.
So, who cares to geek out with me?
Now who would like to cry with me?
That story, right there? It's practically grave robbing. GRAVE ROBBING.

Alone and sleepy

How is everybody today? I'll be by myself at work today, since mom took dad to the hospital for a morning procedure. It'll be interesting being by myself at work. The parents are gone, and I'll eat chocolate, and organize office relay races, and try to empty out the espresso machine by noon. Yes! :D
So Rebecca's coming over tomorrow. Thank Gordon I'm off work for two days, otherwise I don't know when we'd be able to get together.
See my little widget on the right? Isn't it cool?! It makes me a bit paranoid, actually, thinking that it remembers everything I've been listening to. Yes, folks, Big Brother is watching. However, he's a cute little blue widget. Mostly harmless, I think.
So now, off to put my face on and get dressed, then out into the cold. My weather widget says it's supposed to be a muggy 45 degrees today, but somehow I don't believe it.
(edit: This page works best if you use Mozilla Firefox.)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Test post #2

Because the first one bungled up my computer settings. *sigh*
Again, just post a comment if you can see this.

Office, winter, and internet problems

Back in the office finally, after a long weekend (not the fun kind of long weekend, just one that seemed to last too long).
I am currently slogging through: NaNoWriMo, the Book Club book (almost...done! *grunt*), and winter, in general.
It's too cold for my old bones. I whine all summer long about how much I hate summer, and then whine all winter about, "Ooh, it's cold, I can't feel my hands, do we HAVE to do walking territory??" I descended from the English. Maybe it's just built into our DNA at this point.
I just turned up the heat at the office. Yesssss. :D
Quick check: if anyone can see this post, please leave comment. You can mention my whining or just type "Alakazam!" I just want to know who can see the blog and who can't, since there have been a couple of bugs going on.
Okay, cheerio then.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hoodies and English politeness

Interesting thought... correct me if I'm wrong though:
It seems to be that in the UK, hoodies are apparently a wonderful way to announce, 'Hallo, I'm going to knife you and take your wallet.' In the US, they're just something that teenagers horde.
It's strange that in the UK, there's a dress code for muggers; here, criminals just tend to wear a stocking over their heads. Over there, you just have to guess whether or not the guy coming towards you is planning on mugging you or if he's just cold.
Should there be a basic uniform for criminals?

Friday, November 21, 2008

The status quo

Some facts about me today.

1) I got an amazing 4 hours of sleep last night.

2) It's a lovely 35 degrees out. Perfect picnic weather. :-|

3) Yesterday, I had an espresso and then a coffee. I turned into a chihuahua.

4) This weather makes me feel like I'm falling apart.

5) So does the soft rock playing in the next room.

6) I've found the funniest thing in the world. Don't bother to tell me any jokes ever again.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

History repeated

Apparently the 1980s are cool again, instead of a being regarded as a big, pop-culture black hole without any style or substance.
I blame the gradually imploding economy.

Exhibit A: Oh, no, just... no.

Exhibit B:
This look might take some getting used to....

Exhibit C:
Never mind, I quit. It's too much already. I think I've been blinded by the flashing lights.
You know, I thought this 80s revival was dead and buried two years ago, quashed by the forward thinking masses. And now....
Oh, well. I love David Bowie despite the 80s. I can probably survive anything.

If you ever want to buy me anything....

Yes, please.
I'll take this.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Two monkeys and a piano

Grace and me, playing the piano last Summer. Badly? Mmmm... you decide. I can't.

Working and blogging

I thought this BBC article was kind of interesting; neat to see the history behind the show.

So, it's my (officially) 2nd day at work today. Nice office, good environment... and an espresso machine. :D
This blog will most likely be written during coffee breaks, slow spells of the day when everyone has passed out from exhaustion, and at home, lamenting the dirty dishes and NaNoWriMo. If you like it, please follow it. It'll be fairly active, and much more efficient than me sending out the same email to a zillion people every day.
What's everybody up to this week? I have: work, a get-together, work, learning to make a layer cake, work, an anniversary party including said cake, work, and field service.
Thank Jehovah for weekends. He really knew what he was doing with that idea.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some music and an explanation

Moved this from the Hooded Chef. This blog will be where all my non-food related rants take place. :)
---This is amazing. One of the best singers I've ever heard, and absolutely beautiful music.

If you don't own Keane's 'Hopes and Fears,' you're really missing something special.